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I was betrayed by most of my "friends" and now I'm alone

Um.. hi, I guess. I'm not used to these kind of this but at this point i'm running out of ideas. The problem I have is that I'm unable to be sociable no matter how much I want to, for a good 5 years now I've been feeling this sense of loneliness and frustration because I just don't seem to be able to connect with others, before at school a lot of people didn't even know a lot of the things I liked even existed, they always just kind of followed trends around and hoped to be seen as "part of the rest" if you catch my meaning, like seeing new memes and overusing them or overhyping half-assed series on Netflix. All of that while I was just kinda vibing in the background, my class didn't have a lot of people (we were just 25, which I guess is pretty low for normal class standards if that even is a thing) so it was split into two rows, the left one was either toxic people or people who have had a shitty life and seek toxic people because they don't know any better, examples off the top my head are:the overly bitchy one, the one who treats people like garbage and then acts like a victim, the borderline workaholic with an abusive parent (i wish I could've helped her), and that one K-pop stan who daily posts 26 photos of mijing or who ever the fuck that guy is on their WhatsApp status while seemingly screaming about how cute he is and subsequently having a breakdown at 1am telling everyone to kill themselves, you know the usual (at least for me), and on the right there was the "healthy-but-not-really" and most trend following people, like a guy who was already pretty skinny but still felt like he had to lose weight and 3 to 4 idiots encouraging him, then there was the ones who where like, entirely disconnected from this world, it was a happy jerkcicle like none other, going from fighting to bffs and viceversa in a day. Since I didn't really connect with much I was stuck with a few friends who each were part of a different group, so In my friend group you had the hyperactive and needy guy, the actual robber, the cinema guy who can't stop with the shitty joker laugh impressions, and me, the fucking lurker overlord who knew everything that happened to the class basically, I helped everyone with the English class as I'm the only one able to actually speak it or write it somewhat decently on the class, I was the tallest one too, and I was the favourite student of a couple of teachers, had better than average grades, no regrets there, on the context of just school itself I did pretty good, I have three medals to show for it. But I never actually fit in. Originally, when I started high school (don't know if I specified that before sorry) in my class I had 2 friends, Martin and Leandro (really fucking doubt they'll ever see this as they don't even know what Reddit is so I don't care at all if they see this, and if they do, fuck you guys) who quickly became my best friends, we had a lot of fun on the first year with the fucking MLG memes and geometry dash 1.9 coming out, but as soon as second year came up everything went to shit, another guy was added to our group who fancied himself the role of toxic leader (I was fucking usurped I tell you) and another guy who was basically his personal sycophant (motherfucker looked like the protagonist of that sharkhunter Disney movie), near the end of the year he badmouthed me behind my back for almost 3 months before I nearly beat the shit out of him, I also got into a lot of fights with the others and to top it all of I got into a toxic relationship with dismissive, harsh, manipulative bitch. I told her off at the time thankfully, in my own way, at that time when you wanted get rid of someone without ghosting them you just told them you liked them and they would leave on their own, not the best I had but I can't regret every past action I have done. When third year roled up me and the others got separated, I was put into another class with the groups I told you and had to start all over again, that other asshole continued badmouthing me to the point where the others started believing him and started either avoiding me or acting passive aggressive towards me. So I said to myself, you know what? Fuck them, if everyone we did didn't mean anything to me why should I care. But... there was someone else on the group now, surprisingly one day they invited me to go out with them to eat something, they acted as if nothing was wrong and as if they were my best friends again, the pissed off I gave most of them that day was enough to tell them exactly what I thought of this, I didn't want to go but at the same time I kinda missed them, I was introduced to a new member of their little group.. Maru, I feel extremely uncomfortable writing that nickname, she was actually the best friend of the girl I had a toxic relationship on second year, so my first thought was that she was the same kind of person if not worse, but it wasn't like that, she WAS kind, understanding, thoughtful, in my eyes she was fucking gorgeous. We hit it off with a bit of distrust from my part as I was still dealing with the fact that she was in their group, so when we started talking I actually presented myself as a completely different person, most things I told her were either a lie or a half-truth, which was kind of fucked up I admit it, with time (which were like 3 months) I started to gradually trust her more, like I started telling her about my day, stopped lying and actually told her I was lying.. and she forgave me, I'll never understand why she did, she had all the reasons to tell me to get the fuck out of her life and she didn't. I don't exactly remember when I fell for her but it has to do with this: one day she asked about the situation with the others, and I gave her my side of the story.. that same day she talked with the others and they apologized, I was shocked, she did what I wasn't able to do in just a day, I still didn't talk that often with the others but we were at least on good terms again, Leandro even asked for advice on how to ask her out, at the time I helped him but I realised I had feelings for her when she started talking about a boyfriend she had from another school, it fucking hurt, in comparison I felt like I was living on one of those badly written Wattpad romance fanfics. But before 4th year ended they broke up, mainly because she couldn't handle a relationship at the time, and I was pretty supporting of her at the time, she was struggling with depression for a long time, she lives with ignorant parents who never listen to her, went to a class with shitty teachers and shitty people, she always tried to help others but she never helped herself, so there were days were I would stay up pretty late talking to her, Letting her vent and never sent any motivational speeches unless I felt at the time she only needed a boost, while she had a support system thanks to me and a few others, I had nothing except her, so no matter what, even if I was in a bad mood or something I tried my best to never fuck up and lash out at her when she tried to put others first instead of herself. But it got annoying, she WAS too naive sometimes. After a while I decided to do something about my feelings, I decided to try putting myself first instead of others, I wasn't about to let Leandro take the victory on this one, then I made a mistake which fucked up our whole relationship, I asked advice from the hyperactive friend and he basically just told me to ignore her and let her come to me, I was extremely hesitant and outright told him "FUCK. THAT. There's NO fucking way I'm doing that", and so I did, the worst part is that it worked, at the time you had no idea how happy I was, for the first time in my life I was overjoyed, I felt worth something, I felt like the happiest man alive (I could actually relate to that overused quote, holy shit), but then everything went downhill, neither of us had time for the other, as we had exams or projects nearly every week, but I tried god damnit, whenever we were able to actually go out, or I made time in my schedule to be with her she cancelled last minute, the thing is she acted like everything was alright which in turn made me become pretty bitter, whenever she asked for advice I told her to try and build somewhat of an ego, center herself more in her and she actually listened, the thing is as she actually took it but in the wrong way, she because exactly like her best friend who she actually told off for being toxic, she dismissed me like I was a fucking soldier, ignored me and we started getting into arguments when we hadn't had ones before, basically we became toxic together, also, ever since we started dating she never made our relationship public, which was weird to me as I didn't really what others thought of us, you'll see why this detail is important. In September i had to make a trip to Bariloche and one week before the trip she broke up with me, so on the last day of the trip I hooked up with this girl from another school and it was the best fucking night or day I've ever had, I had my first kiss that day and I can't describe with words how it felt, it was like getting closure, comforting and god damn I really needed that, i never saw that girl again but it was a grand and intoxicating experience. When I came back I did with a more positive attitude, I focused more on my word at school and my true friends than I did with her and she actually started complaining that I didn't speak to her as much anymore, and to top it all off while I was on the trip she started dating Leandro, so my answer was basically "well, I don't know what's the problem here", I mean I was basically replaced at this point so I saw no point on keeping on going, I saw her on an entire new light after the trip, she became snobbish, cold, and bitter. She wasn't the woman I fell in love with anymore and it didn't feel right to keep going, so I tried to stop talking to her, but at the same time I didn't want to ruin a 3 year friendship/bond I had with her, so I got stuck on an obsessive relationship for the rest of the year, until this year arrived, before quarantine I talked with my best friends for advice, the hyperactive guy become a chill and actually fun person (which surprises me to this day, I don't wanna sound like an asshole but I never expected him to change, nevertheless I'm happy for him), and my childhood best friend, now let me tell you about this guy, this Harry Potter looking motherfucker stuck with me ever since we were 5, he's my fucking brother and there's nobody else on this planet who I trust more than him, their advice was basically to let her go, so I built the courage and told her to get out of my life basically, not only her, I told her to tell the others too (Martin and Leandro) to never search for me, never speak to me or even mention me again, and for those that think that I should apologize I neglected the fact that I told I'd rather masturbate with sandpaper instead of continuing this fake relationship with her, at this point it would be like using a fire extinguisher on a charred corpse, it just doesn't work. So after that quarantine roled up and I feel more alone than ever, keep in mind she was the only person I spoke to regularly, it's uncommon for me to chat with others as I get drained easily even if I'm not doing anything worthwhile. And whenever I try I don't know what to say, I feel like I'm stuck on a loop of doing the same things over and over, procastination never hit me this hard for fucks sake, and I want to know if you knew about any place to start chatting with others, like I dunno, a small discord server or something. And if you have any advice on how to even socialize because I don't even know where to start anymore.
I'm sorry if some things are hard to understand, as English is not my main language.
P.S: Maru, if you are reading this, my sandpaper point still stands, unless you ever actually change never speak to me again.
I actually already posted this but i deleted it, as I never got a response from anyone and I really need the help, I want to make a change in my life but I don't know how to start. Sorry if I came across as too desperate or needy but I'm running out of options.
submitted by AceOfSpades404 to socialskills [link] [comments]

Eyes Wide Shut: Power, Sexuality, and the Real of Desire

Eyes Wide Shut portrays and examines the inability of a 'male-centric' POV (a neurotic masculinity in the case of Bill Harford) to deal with female desire. The whole motor of the film is Bill Harford's attempt to escape from, revenge himself upon, Alice's desire (which excludes him).
Here's my conjecture: the film includes no dream sequences whatsoever apart from the recurring short monochrome inserts of Bill's waking, jealous paranoid fantasy of Alice copulating with the Naval officer, a fantasy the reaction to which propels Bill to seek out other women/prostitutes in a failed attempt to reassert his illusory identity and his naively cosy fictional world. The only real dream in the film is one we do not see on screen: Alice's dream about Bill's humiliation. This, like her confession about the Naval officer, is the problematic desire whose exclusion - from the 'reality' of the Harfords' marriage - the film is about.
Alice's desire is certainly the 'problem': Bill's inability to deal with it is what propels him on his journey of self-discovery, or, more properly, self-dismantling. Bill wants to bracket out female desire - 'women aren't like that'; hence his attraction to Domino and the Somerton masked woman. As prostitutes/ sex workers, they resume the assigned place of women in his libidinal economy: they are the 'passive' recipients of male desire, not,as Alice has so terrifyingly revealed herself to be, agents of their own desire.
Doesn't Bill discover that the membrane separating his mind, his psychology, from the world of wealth, power and patriarchy was only ever an illusion? Hence the irony of his desperate attempt to shore up his identity by appealing to his professional status. 'I am a DOC-TOR' - meaning: I am what I am socially validated to be. 'Here's ... my card.'
What if Bill's desperate, obsessively reiterated announcement - to anyone who will listen - that he 'is a doctor' - is just an attempt to convince himself of his identity, to establish that his social standing (still) means something? Far from being Bill's 'fantasy', the film is about Bill's (ultimately failed) attempt to return to the fantasy - the complacent trance - of his previous life: a life not yet wrecked by the irruption of others' desires (Alice's, the Somerton group's) into it. Bill is the man excluded from those desires; an unwelcome interloper into others' dreams, the end result of which is his subjective destitution and identity disintegration and - perhaps - in an (anti)ethical choice of willed blindness...
What Alice says disrupts Bill's fantasy, which their bedroom exchange reveals so clearly, depends upon his being 'sure of her.' But the problem with making it all about Bill's 'self-discovery' (or the discovery of the vacancy of his self) is that this, precisely, echoes Bill's male-centric POV, and makes Alice/woman a bitpart player in his psychodrama.
Lacan has stated that "a woman is something all men must believe in". Alice: "You are very sure of yourself." Bill: "No, I'm sure of you." Alice responds with hysterical laughter.
I think this is a very Lacanian moment, poignant and funny. A fantastic moment. A brilliant quote from the film. But one that, in my ignorance and Bill-like blindness, I see as intimately connected to the issue of a male-centric POV on women - something about which Lacan has more than a thing or two to say, too.
And, of course, Bill finds complexity difficult to deal with. Alice's motives are various: playful, cruel, loving, willful.... But what Bill will concentrate on is that aspect of Alice's desire which does not include him. Now you could equally well take Alice's confession of her desire as even more exclusive of Bill than if she had just forgotten him, or been carried away by a momentary passion. Even though Bill was 'dearer to [Alice] than ever' - at the very moment when her love for him was at its most powerful - she was prepared to throw Bill over. What is scandalous to Bill's narcissism is the thought of Alice desiring anyone else; what is unbearable is the thought that she might have left him.
The crack in the relationship becomes a potential break when Alice challenges Bill's complacency - his taking her for granted. Alice's confession is an act of aggression which poses the question: does their relationship depend upon the exclusion of her desire?
I think the film is organized around the question of whether desire and conjugal love must, inevitably, be opposed. Alice's desire is exclusive - she would have given up Bill (and their daughter) for the naval officer. Is conjugality entry into the patriarchal order: an order which denies female desire, which - like Bill ignoring Alice at the beginning of the film - cannot see it? Must they choose not to see, elect to have their eyes wide shut, in order to save their marriage?
Rather than clearing up all ambiguities, as some have complained, the Ziegler scene in the pool-room amplifies them. Ziegler appears to be saying two contradictory things at the same time (a classic double bind): what happened at Somerton was a mere charade, of no consequence; what happened there was enormously, dreadfully important ... the contradictory but complementary discrepancy upon which power and ideology depends, depends on duping the subject.
Then Bill has a vertiginous revelation of his place in the social world, and a hint of what the rich and powerful are capable of. More enigmas open up - who are the Somerton people? Is Ziegler lying, and do the Somerton group kill Mandy's redeemer?
Shocking as this may sound, Power, it should go without saying, is a recurrent theme in Kubrick's work. And economic power is clearly a theme of EWS - a theme, note, not the theme. Is there a film more concerned with the price of things? (See, for instance, Tim Kreider's analysis of EWS on the Kubrick site http://www.visual-memory.co.uk/amk/doc/0096.html.)
Nevertheless, the relationship between Bill/Alice's marriage and ZiegleSomerton - between the psycho-sexual and the thriller elements of the film's narrative - seems to me profoundly uncertain. Bill is plunged into his journey towards 'subjective destitution' by Alice's account of her fantasy, to be sure, but the extent to which the nature of Bill and Alice's relationship "is necessary" to the social status bill seeks to achieve (assumes he has achieved, even if he hasn't examined the consequences of that achievement) strikes me as very difficult to read.
Where do Somerton and Ziegler fit in to this picture? Are they on the side of desire or of 'society'? Ziegler would ostensibly seem to be on the side of society, the symbolic order, patriarchy: yet he is also something of a Sadean libertine, a repulsive superegoic figure, the classic obscene pervert. He is both the Father who says No (guarantor of the symbolic order) and the Father who enjoys (wrecker of the symbolic). But what is definitively excluded from Ziegle Somerton's desiring-circuit - and from Bill's? - is female desire. Women only gain entry insofar as they are passive, bought, marginalized, abused.
In Lacanian terms, desire=the real; therefore, Alice's confession of her temptation to abandon Bill for the naval officer and her later dream of Bill's humiliation (both fantasies in which Bill is sacrificed, note) cannot be treated as 'merely' fantasmatic constructions. Waking life - 'we're awake now' - is not more but less real than what is revealed in dreams and fantasies, and it is the flight into the 'ordinary', the domestic, the apparently well-constituted identity, that is escapist. Alice's dreams and fantasies indicate a - to Bill, intolerable - space in Alice's desire where he is absent. This is another way in which EWS differs from the 'it's all a dream' genre of numerous Hollywood and other movies: dreams in EWS - as in Freud or Lacan - are not escapes from reality, but realizations of desire.
What, then, of Alice's final word? There's no question - is there? - that Alice 'loves' Bill ---- the issue seems to be whether married life/ conjugal love can survive another more dangerous form of love: desire. Does the word 'fuck' suggest a reintegration of desire into conjugality? Is it, then, a counterpoint to the alleged 'waking up' (flight from desire/the real)? Or was the 'waking up' precisely a recognition of desire - paradoxically, a refusal to accept the distinction between dreams/fantasies and ordinary domestic 'reality'?
The assumption in many interpretations of EWS is that Bill is shaken out of his complacency into some kind of revelation. But the revelation seems to be essentially negative - i.e. Bill, his marriage, and the social milieu in which he moves are not what he thought they were - however, he seems to be no closer to understanding what they actually are, choosing, with Alice, to shut their eyes again, to retreat back into domestic fantasy, to keep the Outside outside.
The ending of EWS is certainly not blatantly happy. And it's not a question of a couple turning away from those less fortunate than themselves --- in a sense, it's the reverse, they are ignoring the corruption of those more fortunate than themselves ... and let's not forget that this may involve a murder.
Somebody once described Kubrick as an 'Extraterrestrial anthropologist', which is a great phrase... It seems to me that Kubrick was in many ways the inheritor of the nineteenth century naturalist tradition which saw characters as determined by environment. Kubrick's films are intensely, and consistently, focused on psychology, but not as some theatre of interiority. Rather - as we see most explicitly in ACO - human mental processes are seen as shaped, influenced and manipulated by forces outside the cogito. The tragic flaw in many of Kubrick's characters - in Alex, in Redmond Barry, in Jack, in Joker, in Bill - is their conviction that they are 'master of their own destiny', in control of their own minds. The Shining is a classic example of this fatal delusion. Rather than being a projection from within his mind, as many have contended, what happens in The Shining is an effect of Jack's mind being overwhelmed, overtaken by The Overlook, by a malevolent Outside.
In EWS, we see Kubrick the extraterrestrial anthropologist turning his gaze upon the domestic, the intimate and the conjugal. And not for the first time, since Barry Lyndon and The Shining share, in parts, a similar focus.
Finally, EWS is not simply 'Bill's dream', as some critics suggested, nor are films themselves 'simply' dreams. If all films are dreams, there would still be a difference between watching a film and dreaming because watching a film would be to experience someone else's dream, someone else's fantasy, someone's else's desire. Not only are films the acting out of social fantasies, but we ourselves are the playing out of fantasies that turn out to belong to no-one, that can't be traced to an interiority, to any Inside. This theme seems to me central to EWS: whose desires are we subject to? Bill finds himself excluded from Alice's desire, then included - to some degree unwittingly - in the ritualized desire-space of the power elite at Somerton. To make the Somerton ritual simply a fantasy of Bill's would be to remove the film's political dimension entirely, reducing everything to the domestic and the private. But if the Somerton scenes are 'real', then the distinction between the public and private, between the world of power, influence and wealth and what happens inside one's own head, collapses. Not because 'everything is a dream' (one's own dream), but - on the contrary - everything is someone else's dream, someone else's desire.
More broadly, The film is concerned with power, ownership and money and the way they connect with issues of identity, intimacy and sexuality, and any interpretation that concentrates on identity etc to the detriment of the social and economic 'themes' is not only wilfully blinding itself to whole swathes of what happens in the film, it is missing one of the most important and unique aspects of EWS. As a result, any interpretation that concentrates exclusively on Bill/Alice's marital concerns would be turning a blind eye to large expanses of the film. Indeed, Bill's relationship with Ziegler strikes me as at least as pivotal to the film as his relationship with Alice. One difference betweent the Schnitzler novel and EWS is the introduction of the Ziegler character. Ziegler's main role, it seems to me, is as a power-broker and representative of wealth. Why include him if not to point up this theme?
Such a reduction of the film to the domestic marital problems of a complacent, four-eyed bourgeois couple, but specifically Bill's, is cutting psychology loose from everything else - folding all exteriority inside a solipsistic white male fantasy space - that is what is constitutively flawed in such an 'interpretation'. My objections to 'psychological' interpretations of this type are not objections to psychology per se, but to a hermetic, anti-social, ahistorical version of psychology, drearily consonant with the Cartesian master program of European metaphysics in its assumption that the whole cosmos is important only in relation to the conscious male subject. Which condition, incidentally, is exactly the sleepwalking egocentric complacency Bill begins EWS so conspicuously cocooned in.
And, of course, power wants us to believe in commonsense, that what goes on in our own heads is more real than geo-politics, which is what Ziegler does to Bill when he meets him in the pool-room.
An interpretation that concentrates on Bill's 'identity' and 'hurt' and his 'quest for self-discovery' surrenders the film into being an 'eternal', ahistorical disquisition on fairly well-known existential themes, voided of specific reference to contemporary culture/ society. When what is most interesting is an exploration of those themes in the context of a very precisely drawn socio-economic world, that of neoliberal capitalism at the end of the second millennium.
It is the neurotic Bill Harford who provokes Alice with his male-chauvinist, sleepwalking complacency, his reduction of women to passive, domesticated, kept subjects. And the film isn't simply about a well-heeled bourgeoisie couple and their petty interests.
And Alice did not simply make up her confession about her desire/fantasy; rather, she recollected it to Bill in reaction to her sheer frustration with his idiot narcissism, his dismissive and condescending attitude to Alice and women in general ("I'm sure of you", "Women aren't like that"), his neurotic need to be so certain about Alice that his own very identity depends on it (in the rest of the film we witness the unravelling of his illusory identity, his obsessive clinging to it: "I'm a doctor. Here's my card", confirming that his identity is entirely symbolically inscribed, is not intrinsic, but can be removed ( "Remove your mask!"), his demand that women aren't permitted to have any desires of their own, especially none that might exclude Bill as the centre of attraction. This is what astounds Bill, the very suggestion that Alice might have desires or fantasies of her own. And recall that it was Bill's sexist-biological reductionism, his remark that it was 'understandable' that men's only interest in women, women's only 'use' for the male POV, is as fúcking machines, meat objects as aids for their masturbatory fantasies.
The fact that Alice reveals that it was at the PRECISE moment when she felt closest to her family, Bill and Helena, that is to say, when she felt most fulfilled, when - to use the well-worn cliche - her "dream was complete", when her desire was gratified or satiated, it was at this very moment that she was instantly compelled into her sailor fantasy. When reality gets too close, too immediate, when the real of desire is too direct, human subjects (speaking animals) have to distance themselves from it, to escape it in some way. They do this by means of fantasy, to escape the real of desire (the void of what we are). But Alice doesn't act on her fantasy, doesn't seek to 'actualize' it, to realize it in reality itself (by trying to run away with the sailor, chase after this desire), but instead is relieved when the sailor has disappeared. So her fantasy serves, not as a means of running away from her everyday world in social-symbolic reality (her marriage, her status as mother and wife), but as a support for that reality, a support that paradoxically structures it while appearing to evade it.
Contrast this with Bill's inability to fantasize; instead he's condemned to immediately act out his fantasies (chasing after prostitutes/sex workers, etc).
In psychoanalytic theory, dreams are the 'realization of desire', that is, they determine what we desire, constitute it. How do we know what we desire? Fantasy tells us. We awake from a dream in to waking, quotidian reality ('consciousness'), in order to escape from the Real (where Desire equals the Real, the impossible void of negativity that is desire, that is presupposed by it). What we call 'reality' (the social-symbolic order), then, is not the Real, but an escape from it, from the trauma of the Real, so that our entry into waking reality is an attempt to sustain the fantasy, to continue it, so that our 'we're awake now' consciousness is actually just a consciousness of the Dream. [This is why Alice's "we're awake now" assertion to Bill in the toy store at the end of the film is not an acknowledgement of the events of the film, of the Real of what has happened, but an ESCAPE from them, a retreat back into the appealing fantasy of domesticity, into 'fúcking' as an escape from the world, a disavowal of all they have seen or witnessed, accepting the World-According-To-Ziegler as 'just the way things are' ... ignoring the obscene machinations of Power, subordinating themselves to it by pretending to escape from it].
There is always this paradoxically inverse or reciprocal relation between reality and fantasy (between the symbolic and the real), contradictory but complementary, always a certain separation of distance maintained between the two levels of reality. Indeed, it is when the two realities/fantasies collide, when the gap between the two collapses, as happens Bill at the end of the film (when he sees the mask on the bed next to Alice, an embodiment of Bill's hidden, transgressive desires), that reality itself collapses, our sense of it, so that everything suddenly seems 'unreal' and 'too real' at the same time.
This inverted or opposite (disavowed) relation between the dream and reality is again portrayed later in the film, when Bill returns from Somerton and wakes Alice from a nightmare dream (Schnitzler's novel was originally titled Traumnovelle or 'trauma novel', later 'dream novel', drawing attention to the connection between trauma and dream, as anatomized by Freud). What is interesting here is that while she is asleep, unconscious, we see here laughing and giggling, but when Bill wakes her by shaking her and calling her, Alice suddenly wakes in a state of fear, anxiety, confusion, disorientation, eventually crying. Why this sudden transition from enjoyment to nightmare? She was enjoying her dream (or rather, it would be better to say, what was being dreamt was enjoyed by her, as we have no conscious control over any dream, we are at its mercy, there is no 'I' directing the dream, we are passively in it but it dreams us) and it was the very interruption of the dream, the 'violent' intrusion on the dream world, that was traumatic, and from which she sought to escape by waking up. This transitional stage, the liminal space between dreaming and waking, between reality and fantasy, this formal cut or gap, this split is the 'empty space' that ultimately defines us as always split as human subjects (called the 'quilting point' or point de capitan; in the very middle of the film there is even a sign on a building "Sewing Thread", as the film reverses direction, as Bill's world unravels). It's that brief moment when we seem lost, terrified, as though we can neither wake up nor go back to sleep, an impossible void. It is this, and never the mere 'content' of the dream, its manifest narrative, that disturbs us. It is only after we have woken up, escaped from this Real, that the dream 'content' retrospectively seems horrible or disturbing.
And this manifest 'content' of Alice's dream (about having sex with numerous guys including the naval officer, humiliating Bill even further) totally contrasted with Alice's waking behaviour just before it: she was phoning Bill concerned about when he would be home. Her sense of imprisonment in the home, in the confining domestic space is accompanied by her dream in which she both maintains a fantasmatic distance from it as well as supporting it, coping with it.
In contrast, then, to the commonsense view that we fantasize when we can't obtain some object of desire in reality, our fantasies determine ('realize') our desire. It isn't that, at first, I desire strawberry cake, and because I can't get it I instead fantasize getting it and having it, consuming it; no, the fantasy itself determines what objects to desire (fantasy is the framework that causes us to desire particular objects of desire, that causes desire, that is a fantasy about what the real is), objects whose pursuit will please or satisfy some Other, the big Other that is the symbolic order (eg a child fantasizing about eating a strawberry cake because it will please her parent's desires, make her an object of their desire).
There is also an inverse connection between Bill's behaviour subsequent to Alice's recollection of her sailor fantasy and Bill's own fantasy. Throughout the film are interspersed about five black & white, slow-motion or fuzzily focused, washed out monochrome scenes, in stark contrast to the rest of the film's expressionist colour cinematography, of Alice having sex with the naval officer. This is Bill's interminable and envious paranoid fantasy, his over-reaction to Alice's own fantasy, because Alice never even met with the sailor. It is this fantasy, plaguing Bill throughout the film (and always occurring just before he's about to meet a woman, or hoping to), his neurotic over-reaction to his discovery that Alice has desires of her own, that drives Bill towards actions that seek to restore his fantasy about Alice and women, to return to the complacent fiction of his earlier everyday reality, the one in which he takes everything for granted, cocooned in a sleepwalking trance. He begins chasing after prostitutes because as sex workers they restore for Bill his illusion of the place of women in his libidinal economy (as passive, bought, servile), and of his own symbolic place in the wider society, an illusion that is doubly undermined both by his exclusion from Alice's desire and later from the desire-space of the Somerton wealthy elite.
submitted by sublime-affinity to StanleyKubrick [link] [comments]

2 Line Mood Off Joker Poetry|| JokerAttitude Quotes || WhatsApp Status 99

2 Line Mood Off Joker Poetry|| JokerAttitude Quotes || WhatsApp Status 99
submitted by mohsinalif4 to u/mohsinalif4 [link] [comments]

Rewatch Review - Season 01, Episode 15: Desperately Seeking Serena.

So, I'm gonna be completely honest, I can not grasp a consistent theme for this episode. Every one of the stories is about something different - Serena is facing her demons in the form of Georgina, Dan facing an internal crisis over Serena, Blair going to war with Nelly Yuki, the Bitch Brigade having their loyalties divided, Jenny and Rufus overcoming their prejudices of Asher and Nate/Vanessa becoming more acquainted, but I have no real idea. :|
Anyway, minor points first:
How can Chuck have decoys for himself and Serena? Shouldn't they have their own SATs to take today, if they're meant to be age-appropriate? How can they be available for this?
“I have to go.” WE DID IT! The first use of this phrase in the show! And that's going on the counters.
"I thought you said it wasn't a date." I have nothing, that scene is just perfect. Jenny's frustration, Rufus' deducction., Jenny's outburst and Dan's quip. It's just damn great.
Why is Vanessa so deliberately nosy? This is the second time in the series she has gone through someone's private papers and stolen somethi9ng important without permission, and it's not the last time she will do this in the series...What the hell?
And how does Asher know WHERE Jenny lives? He only has her number, and she never had a conversation long enough to give him her address - which is just basic Stranger Danger, FFS.
Alrighty, so we open with the stress of the SATs (whatever they are in this context :/) and, like most of the real-life stresses of High Schoolers in this show, they're largely irrelevant so we can focus on the minutiae of the emotional turmoil of their relationships, yay. Though the one who seems to be feeling the stress of this exam the most is Blair. Or, to be more specific, she fears what could become of one girl if she envies gets into Yale too: NELLY YUKI. Though I have to admit, Blair's whole plot here is kinda...insane. I am not at Yale, nor any of the American Ivys, but I don't think this is how applications work. You aren't judged based on where you came from but on the course you're going to take, which is one of the major problems of the show, in that they NEVER discuss what subjects the kids are actually good or bad at, which is really a problem when we don't even know what degree they're studying for.
But let's even leave that aside, how does it make sense that Yale would take in ONLY one student from Constance? Isn't the whole point of sending your child to an elite school like Constance or Judes so that they will be fast-tracked towards the Ivys? I know rich kids in Britain aren't sent to Eton for the off chance that they'll get to go to Oxford but because of the guarantee. And this isn't a tiny nitpick here, the whole focus of Blair's actions this episode are to ensure that she is the ONLY one who has a chance of getting into Yale, and she never had to do so. Yale would have accepted both, unless they happened to both apply for an exceptionally popular course. But I digress.
To assist her in this aim, she enlists the Bitch Brigade under the pretence of tutors, masseuses and smoothies...who all agree for some reason. Again, as last episode showed, Jenny was in their good graces and Blair had been socially dethroned. This IS still the same girl who was made into a social pariah for being a slut in their eyes. The fact that she's rich (LIKE THEM ALL!) doesn't change that fact. I understand why they go along with Blair's plan once it's uncovered what a threat Nelly Yukki is to them...actually, I don't. Because, as Blair said, there's only one girl from Constance going to Yale, wouldn't that give them MORE of an incentive to help Nelly Yuki and not Blair? If that's the standard we have to work with here, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense they would go OUT OF THEIR WAY to help Blair get into Yale when they spent a good majority of the last episode showing why they don't care about Blair anymore. Shouldn't protecting Nelly Yuki from Blair be on their agenda just to spite Blair even more? But. I. Digress.
Let's even assume that Blair and the Bitch Brigade have a good motive for helping Blair get in over Nelly Yukki, why is Nelly Yukki being so stupid? Nelly Yukki knows who these people are, knows they have never had any interest in her and are suddenly being all friendly? Now, Nelly Yukki is incredibly resistant to them except for a very convenient piece of exposition where she reveals the one song necessary to bring her down...why? Why would she voluntarily offer up the information needed to the Bitch Brigade when she must know they don't care about her? Also...Nelly Yukki broke up with her boyfriend at a concert? Not that it doesn't happen but how could someone like Nelly Yukki pressured from birth, so it seems, to be the absolutely perfect model student have the time to go out to concerts of bands she likes? I have trouble believing that she could even have a normal relationship being that she's being pressured to be the all-star at everything ever, and Nelly Yukki doesn't strike me as the type to be willfully sneaking out to meet up with Todd all the time. Now, I GUESS, all of this can be true at once but for all these facts about Nelly Yukki's life to fall into Blair's lap almost instantly just strikes me as completely bizarre.
That being said, coming into possession of these facts, Blair does lay a perfectly good trap for Nelly Yukki by playing the music Nelly Yukki likes to lull her into a false sense of security and getting her to her apartment that night...where NONE of the Bitch Brigade are actually studying despite the fact that the SATS are still coming up. Nelly Yukki failing doesn't mean they still succeed in some way. Though I still don't know why Nelly Yukki's parents would allow her out on the last night before SATs, but I digress. Just as Nelly Yukki is about to leave again, Todd Jansen comes to her and makes it look like he's thinking of giving Nelly Yukki a second chance before wasting the night away simulating their breakup again. Now...how does this make sense? Again, like Nelly Yukki, Todd also has SATs to do. Or do they all have body doubles like Chuck? So why is he indulging Blair when apparently she didn't even offer a full bribe and she has to ask Kati on the spot? I...I just don't get this plotline. It makes absolutely no sense, on any level, whatsoever. Even for Gossip Girl standards, this is just dumb.
Moving on, we then come to the second plot this episode which centres around Jenny and her quest to make herself stand out amongst the Bitch Brigade by doing the incredibly smart, strategic, well thought out move of...pursuing a Boyfriend. Yes Jenny, because if there's ANYTHING that you should take away from the downfall of Blair is that having a boyfriend from the drama-filled world of the UES is absolutely the right thing to do and your brother having a safe, long term relationship with Serena shouldn't give you any pointers whatsoever. It's especially ironic because, yeah, Asher is EXACTLY that kind of guy who only wants to use Jenny as a beard. But Jenny doesn't even consider doing the smart thing that might actually afford her some happiness. Or, if we must think of this in political terms, a perpetual support base that can always be counted upon. But does she do that? No! Because dog walkers are icky and smell of poor people, ugh. The short sighed arrogance here is just unbelievable. You would THINK that someone who wants to be like Blair but without the public downfall would learn a thing or two but...nope!
Now, in fairness to Jenny, this all happens to her rather quickly so she doesn't have the time to pursue someone rich or poor regardless of who she wants, Asher just falls in her lap quite miraculously. And insistently, now I think about it. Was there some particular reason that he kept pursuing Jenny or didn't already have a beard? We know it wasn't genuine interest so why didn't he go for any other girl? Hell, any of the Bitch Brigade seem thirsty enough, Hazel definitely would be. But I digress. Their "romance," if one can term it that as Jenny is only looking for social advancement and Asher is only looking for social validation, is actually done pretty well. We can see in hindsight how each is manipulating the other into thinking it's genuine interest. So even if there are some issues with this, I actually really enjoy their interactions knowing that they're both using one another and their illusions will come crashing down for even thinking they could get away with being so incredibly shallow in the first place. Though, as I said, how did Asher know where Jenny lived? Are we sure Dan is the creepiest stalker in this series? But I digress.
We also get a nice plot this episode with a... "romance" developing between Nate and Vanessa. I put it in quote marks because, despite the fact that is where they're obviously going with these scenes, nothing comes of this concept until much later in the show, which sucks as they were one of my favourites pairings. But here? I think some notes got mixed up or something because not much comes of this. That being said, the scenes aren't bad. We have Nate and Vanessa connect over stuff they enjoy, and Vanessa overcoming her prejudices of the carefree lives of the uber-rich by being reminded that Nate's dad is in rehab and he's suffering for that. Conversely, Nate also helps Vanessa by giving her the confidence to go for the SATs despite the fact that her family wouldn't approve. Though I think he saw that some part of her did want to break out of that formula her family life set her in and become something more than that. He relates to that precisely because he's been in exactly the same rut all his life, wanting adventure in the great, wide somewhere more than he can tell. They connect to each other because they can't see themselves being the carbon copies that their parents want them to be and are surprisingly envious of each other for different reasons. Their common ground is somewhere in the middle, where they can be happy together. Ther'es not much to these scenes but they're good nonetheless.
So by this point, the episode seems to have remained on a scale from mediocre to downright illogical nonsense, so the rest of the episode must have been as well, right? NOPE. Because at this point, we get our introduction to the Bitch herself: Georgina Sparks.
Who can fail to love Georgina with everything they have? Who can fail to loathe Georgina with every fibre of their body equally? Everything about her is heinous, vile, repulsive, scandalous, mesmerising and just downright impressive that one person is capable of such malice. From the very first time she was on screen, you knew everything there was to know about her. Serena's face told you that this was someone you were meant to be scared of, and her unnerving smile didn't help matters. Every time she was on screen, it's like looking at the Joker, just that feeling at any moment she could turn into a full-fledged psycho and destroy everything for no other reason than she could. And...that's exactly what she does. Why she's back, we don't exactly know, but we can guess that all she wants is her best friend back. "Old Serena," as the series keeps calling her. And really, seeing how naturally chaotic she is, I'd buy that's the only reason, especially now that she can blackmail her over Pete Fairman. Though it doesn't quite make sense yet why she keeps indulging Georgine knowing she is nothing but trouble, they do retroactively explain it by bringing in Pete's death, and by having Chuck raise the very same point.
Serena in this episode keeps doing things when she doesn't want to do them because of her overwhelming fear about what might happen if she were "uncovered." Though ironically, this works against her as the more she tries to conceal Georgina's existence from anyone, the more Dan becomes suspicious about what she's actually doing. Yet even though every time Georgina is on screen, something new and horrifying is revealed about her, the most shocking of those being the fact that she drugs Serena, and then convinces her she acted like a complete slut just so she'll be her friend again. But the reason this is the height of shock factor this episode is the brazen way she treats everything after by suggesting they get eggs as the SATs are going on. Again, I guess Georgina doesn't need to take them either. It is just so direct, so blunt and so sociopathic, you can't help but be creeped out by it. Everything about her demeanour and attitude this scene just screams psycho, it's a perfect execution of a completely awful character. But this obsessive insanity is only topped by the episode's ending scene.
And much as I want to love the fact that Georgina has crafted an identity just to go after Dan, I simply have to do a play by play of what is wrong with this fucking scene. First of all, why is Dan just hanging around there for no reason? Is this just a thing that he does for no reason? Second, where did Georgina get a dog from? It never comes up again, we never see it, so where did it come from and where did it go? Third, how does Georgina know what Dan looks like? Serena never showed her a picture of him on screen. Fourth, how did Georgina know he would be here if this was just a place he happened to be? Fifth, what if the random dog didn't go over to Dan immediately? Sixth, how does Dan from a Season One Viewer's perspective not know who Georgina is? She is obviously a wild troublemaker, and one of Serena's closest friends, so he MUST have recognised her from the posts. Seventh, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, how does Dan when the viewer knows he is Gossip Girl not know who Georgina is?! He has to know who she is, he is behind the blasts, he's been following Serena for years, so how can he possibly not know? Unless he is just pretending for some strange, sociopathic reason, then he should have immediately recognised the fact that she was Georgina and called her out on it. But...I...Di...gress!
Onto the lists!
Everything Wrong With Serena:
• Slept with her best friend’s Boyfriend, taking his virginity, in the back room of a wedding of family friends.
• Tried to cover up said sex to said best friend.
• Blamed Nate for coming clean, rather than covering up the truth for as long as he could.
• Decided that not feeling icky about her High School Boyfriend's legal status was more important than her mother's happiness.
Why Dan Being GG Makes No Damn Sense:
• He shouldn’t be surprised Serena slept with Nate since he must know what kind of person “Old Serena” was.
• He needs GG to get the idea to go to the Masked Ball, when he should already have that motivation since he wrote the damn post allegedly.
• He managed to post Carter's photo at the same time as he was meant to be getting ready for the Debutante Ball.
• He outed his girlfriend buying a pregnancy kit when he had absolutely no reason to do that and even less incentive to publicise it.
• He didn't recognise Georgina, despite her being one of the most infamous troublemakers on the UES.
“This World” counter: 7.
Lily “Family” counter: 4.
Serena "I have to go" counter: 1.
Until next week, xoxo.
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Getting Into Comics on FCBD: DC Edition

Hey DC fans,
It has been a long time since I have posted anything on this subreddit. Since tomorrow is FCBD and I never made a Getting Into Comics DC Edition, I thought I would write one now. I obsessively wrote this over months and months so it feels chaotic. I tried my best to include every character I could.
Use Ctrl + F or Find and type a character
New 52 Vol. 1 The Trench
by Geoff Johns
Available on DCU: Starting with Aquaman (2011) #1
As Arthur contemplates his role away from the Atlantis, a deep sea creature threatens the area. What can Aquaman do to stop him?
The opening to Johns run and perfect starting point for people. This story dispels any doubts you may have over Aquaman’s membership in the Justice League. The art is also phenomenal.
Justice League Throne of Atlantis
Geoff Johns/Ivan Reis
After Atlantis is attacked, Orm the Ocean Master has his sights set on the U.S. How will the Justice League take down an army who covers the water.?
This is a crossover with the Justice League that takes place after Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 of Aquaman. However, this could be read in a stand alone fashion.
Black Manta Rising by Dan Abnett
Available on DCU: Starting at Aquaman (2016) #7
In the aftermath of The Drowning, Black Manta looks to destroy Aquaman on a level different than death.
My favorite Black Manta story. Political plots are also a nice way of diversifying your superhero reading. I also think this could be something worth adapting after the first Aquaman movie.
Pre New 52
Year One
Following his training, Bruce Wayne is looking to make his mark on Gotham. But even then, he doesn’t know how. Concurrently, this follows Jim Gordon’s arrival to this depraved city. Can they save Gotham from being ravaged by crime?
This is my favorite origin of Batman because it’s about the mobs running the show rather than just the supervillains. It’s also about Jim Gordon’s role in this city.
The Man Who Laughs
by Ed Brubaker
A new criminal is in town that is nothing short of maniacal. What does this clown want to do to make Gotham even worse? How will Batman deal?
A short and sweet tale which isn’t groundbreaking, but worth your time. There’s actually a second story titled Made of Wood where Batman teams up with Alan Scott (Green Lantern of JSA). It is something more fitting for examples of the World’s Greatest Detective
The Long Halloween
by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale
A series of murders are taking place in Gotham on all major holidays. What can Batman do about it?
This story captivated me more than most stories as I binged it in one day. The ending may feel shaky, but it’s more about how this affects Gotham
By Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee
Batman’s rogue gallery isn’t behaving like themselves and theres’a mastermind behind all of this. Another mystery by the same writer that brought you The Long Halloween and Dark Victory
This is where Catwoman and Batman as a couple really took off. It’s also filled with Batman villains and the family. It’s also hard to not be drawn in by Jim Lee’s art
Under the Hood
by Judd Winnick
Available on DCU
There’s a new cowboy in town, making rounds on Gotham’s underworld. But he can’t operate without running into the Dark Knight. Who is this mysterious Red Hood?
One of my favorite Batman stories for introducing an anti-hero that the DC Universe can love. Without this, there would be no Red Hood & The Outlaws Rebirth. I also recommend the animated film Under the Red Hood
Extra Reading
Ego by Darwyn Cooke
A character study which examines all of the important questions that he wrestles with as well our own
Included in Batman Ego & Other Tails, this is one must read for every Batman fan with its humble length of 60 pages
New 52
The Court of Owls
by Scott Snyder
Available on DCU: Starting with Batman 2011 #1
A mysterious and ancient organization is coming out of the shadows. What's their tie to Gotham and what do they have in store for their protector, Batman?
My favorite part of Scott Snyder’s run by far in the New 52. If you like the high octane writing, you may like the rest of his work on Batman.
The War of Jokes and Riddles
By Tom King
Available on DCU Starting at Batman 2016 #25
Following Batman #24, Batman recalls a story of his past to Catwoman, when he made a decision that haunts him to this day.
I think that the title created an overwhelming amount of hype. There’s a lot of crafty concepts which are hit and miss depending on how you look at it. But this is actually one of my favorite Batman stories even now.
Selina’s Big Score by Darwyn Cooke
If you were ever looking into a backstory, then here’s one for you. Down and out after a job, Selina has her eyes on a heist that will require her to meet her past.
Damian Wayne
Batman and Son by Grant Morrison
Bruce Wayne has a son, but he's not exactly what you'd expect. Trained under the League of Assassins, Damian Wayne is a handful for everyone he encounters.
The opening to Morrison’s run on Batman and what I consider one of the highlights
Super Sons by Tomasi
Available on DCU as Super Sons 2017
The team up of Damian Wayne and Jonathan Kent brings a new dynamic duo with heartwarming fun
Spins from Superman Trials of the Super Son, superb art from Jorge Jimenez, and just fun for all ages.
Rebirth by Christopher Priest
By far one of the best on Rebirth albeit confusing, this is the family story you never knew you needed. Christopher Priest uses every panel and putting together all the pieces will be satisfying. Not to mention, the art is fantastic, crisp, and puts this ahead of the pack.
The Judas Contract
This is one of the core stories of the Teen Titans and features the betrayal of one of its own members. This was published in the 1980s and benefits from reading the rest of the run. But, this is also gives Slade a backstory.
Dick Grayson
Available on DCU as Robin: Year One 2000
Robin Year One by Scott Beaty/Chuck Dixon
Description: Following his adoption, Dick Grayson finds himself as part of Batman’s war on crime under the name, Robin.
One of my favorite origin stories and demonstrates how Dick Grayson is the light that Bruce needs on his worst days as a vigilante
Gates of Gotham by Scott SnydeKyle Higgins
Available on DCU as Batman: Gates of Gotham 2010
The history of Gotham gets expanded upon in this mystery that serves a prelude to the New 52. With Bruce Wayne in the chair, it’s up to Dick Grayson to take care of this. But not without the help of some friends.
This is IMO the best Snyder story along with Black Mirror since it’s tightly plotted and adds to Gotham
Black Mirror
With Bruce Wayne away, it’s up to Dick Grayson to figure out who’s behind the newest drug being circulated and terrorizing Gotham. On the other end, Jim Gordon finds his son back in town. What does this reunion meet for him and for the people around him? Will the Caped Crusader and the Commissioner save the city once again? Or is Dick Grayson just not meant to be Batman?
Parts of the run are available on DCU as Grayson 2014
After Forever Evil, Dick Grayson has a new identity as Agent 37, working for Spyral as a spy.
There’s a lot to be said about this run whether its the humor or some of the best storytelling in one shots. I didn’t think I would be so amazed or captivated.
Doom Patrol
Grant Morrison
Available on DCU as Doom Patrol 1987 starting at #19
Grant Morrison takes over the run at Issue #19. If you have limited exposure, then you’ll recognize at least one face, Robotman. Since this takes place after 18 issues, you may feel lost, but the whereabouts of characters are touched on and you’ll find it doesn’t really matter.
I can’t for the life of me explain this book because it’s just odd and not your everyday DC story. It’s abstract and absurdly strange. Yet its entertaining nonsense because somehow the team overcomes the bizarre villains. At this moment I have read the equivalent of the first collected edition.
The Flash (Barry Allen)
Rebirth by Geoff Johns
Available on DCU as The Flash Rebirth 2009
Barry Allen is restored to the DC Universe following Final Crisis and it has ramifications for the Speed Force
Silver Age The Flash
First appearance available on DCU as Showcase 1956 #4
The earliest days of Barry Allen are here including his origin story and meetings with the group you know as The Rogues
This collection is campy, lengthy, but it’s what revitalized the hero from the Golden Age. You’ll find Mirror Master, Dr. Alchemy, Captain Cold, and The Trickster here. Plus, there’s the running joke with Iris which couldn’t get old in this time period. I would also have to see Infantino’s art is captivating, crisp, and the way he draws The Flash in motion is something I will sorely miss in this era.
The Flash (Wally West)
Available on DCU as The Flash 1987 #62-65
Born to Run by Mark Waid (Collected in Mark Waid Vol. 1)
The origin to Wally West becoming the Kid Flash
Return of Barry Allen by Mark Waid (Collected in Mark Waid Vol. 2)
Available on DCU as The Flash 1987 #74-79
Wally West encounters his old friend, Barry Allen. But something’s off about his old mentor
Considered one of the best Flash stories around, it’s what brought Wally West into his own as a hero
Green Arrow
Green Lantern Green Arrow
Green Arrow and Green Lantern travel the country to uphold social justice.
While this definitely has political undertones, I think it's done in a tasteful manner. The art by Neal Adams is also great and there are dynamic action sequences. This features the comic where GA finds out his pupil is addicted to heroin.
Green Arrow The Longbow Hunters by Mike Grell
Available on DCU as Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters
A drug operation is taking place and Green Arrow is looking to make his mark on the city once more. His relationship with Black Canary is also getting more serious now that he’s older.
The story follows Green Arrow’s thoughts on his life as it is now. This story is also known for bringing Shado in his history. But this is not the one on Arrow.
The Death and Life of Oliver Queen by Percy
Description: Oliver Queen finds himself as the target of a takeover, giving him a new life to lead as Green Arrow. How does this new perspective and encounter with Black Canary change his life?
Newbie Notes: There are familiar characters from the show and some not so. I have been told this picks up from New 52. However, this isn’t a difficult read and you can start fresh.
Pick Up: If you like Green Arrow, require art to enjoy the medium, miss Black Canary and Oliver, are more to the left politically
Do not pick up if: You are expecting this to be exactly like Arrow
Personal Thoughts: Green Arrow is at the very least one of the best art wise. I haven’t read other Green Arrow stories besides Year One, but this wasn’t a bad start. It establishes the characters and his surroundings. Though I’ll have to read through a lot more to get a better impression. It is considered one of the better series in Rebirth
Green Lantern
Hal Jordan
You can also start with Geoff Johns Book 1
Secret Origin by Geoff Johns
Available on DCU Green Lantern 2005 Starting at #29
The story of Hal Jordan from his days as a child and a pilot up until the day he was given a ring
Sinestro Corps War
Hal Jordan and the GLC face off against Sinestro and his army of heavy hitters
Green Lanterns (Jessica/Simon)
Phantom Lantern
Available on DCU Green Lanterns 2016 Starting at #7
Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz survived their encounter with the Red Lanterns. Now, they have a new threat to worry about.
Batman White Knight
Written and drawn by Sean Murphy, this Elseworlds tale gives people a reason to think of Batman and The Joker differently. Have you ever wanted to see the latter as someone who sways the public to his side without the use of weapons?
Justice League
New Frontier by Darwyn Cooke
At a period when tensions are high because of communism and race relations, heroes must stand together if they want to stop the aliens from invading
Darwyn Cooke brought so much heart into this that I have to recommend it to anyone. It touches on many important themes needed even today. It’s almost like a DC Universe history lesson.
Justice League Red Tornado’s Path by Brad Metlzer
Available on DCU Justice League 2006 Starting at #0
Red Tornado makes the decision to abandon his robotic body for something entirely different. How does this affect the heroes of Earth?
For what it’s worth, I think Brad Meltzer understood how to create genuine interactions between the cast even though he gets rebuked for Identity Crisis. I also never thought I’d want to read a Red Tornado story.
Justice League by Grant Morrison Vol. 1
Available on DCU JLA 1996 Starting at #1
Grant Morrison’s run is considered iconic and has an ensemble cast featuring Martian Manhunter, Kyle Rayner, and Wally West as The Flash.
The stories are very entertaining and less confusing than his other works. There’s no villains like The Legion of Doom featured in the opening arc. Yet, there’s still threats to the League and to the world in these pages. The art may be a turn off, but once you actually read it, it'll recede. The rest of the run holds up strong and I think really picks up once a status quo change happens.
JLA Year One
An origin story which isn’t about The Trinity and instead follows Black Canary, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Hal Jordan, and Barry Allen as they take on America’s biggest threats.
This feels like a more complete story than most of the other origins. It’s not just about beating the bad guy, you get a peek into their surroundings, and see more of the DC Universe.
GoyeJohns Book One
Available on DCU JSA 1999 but omits JSA Secret Files #1
Before the Justice League, the JSA were the heroes to turn to in the Golden Age. Now, they’re back with old faces and proteges to carry on the legacy. But what’s amazing to me is the nuggets of info you’ll be tying in from this series to other parts of the DC Universe or the genuine heartfelt moments that feel lacking in Johns Justice League.
Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor doesn’t see Superman in the same light as everyone else in Metropolis. What does one of the world’s most brilliant minds have planned?
I really enjoyed Luthor because it’s a side I haven’t seen. His disdain for Superman hasn’t changed, but there is purpose in his actions. Brian Azzarello has great quotes between the panels. Lee Bermejo also gives wonderful scenes with an ambiance that reminds me of Superman Secret Identity
Forever Evil
When the Injustice League takes over Earth, it’s up to Luthor to save the day along with Bizarro.
Lex Luthor is more than a villain. He’s a person that truly believes that human potential has been limited by their trust in Superman. This is a man on a mission to prove he will fight for our survival.
New Super-Man
Made in China by Gene Luen Yang
Premise: Kenan Kong is a bully turned superhero following a government experiment. But can he live up to the symbol of Superman in the East with his current attitude?
Newbie Notes: The main characters are all new which means you don't need background reading.
Pick up if: You care about prospective character development and new characters, want to support Asian-American creators, you would like to save the title, or curious about the idea of Justice League of China
Do not pick up if: You prefer superheroes with established reputation, do not care about Chinese culture
Personal Thoughts: This first volume can be considered a gamble because he's not immediately likable. Kenan is actually a punk who defies the timid Asian man stereotype. However, the potential of what a person can become with renewed focus is what makes this an auspicious origin. Plus, theres a Bat-Man of China. What?!! Volume 2 comes out this week.
Red Hood and the Outlaws
The Dark Trinity by Lobdell/Soy/Gandini
Description: Jason Todd wants to take on the underworld, but he has to get cozy with Black Mask. His first task leads to an encounter with an Amazon and later Bizarro.
Newbie Notes: If you haven’t been introduced to any of these people, then you’ll learn about them. This was my first comic book related experience with Artemis and Bizarro.
Pick up if you: Like or even love Jason Todd, enjoy banter, want to see the hype
Do not pick up if: You don’t like dark backgrounds/humor or anti heroes
Personal thoughts: This is was probably my favorite arc for its combination of story, unique humor, and art. I haven’t read Lobdell’s past run, but I think he’s aware of what sets Jason Todd aside different from other Robins. I also am curious to see where he takes the Dark Trinity next.
New 52 by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank
Billy Batson has a new family, but he’s still not sold on being part of one. It’s not until he receives the power, that life seems not so bad.
The series is vastly different from my experience with Jerry Ordway’s. However I think that Geoff Johns and Gary Frank have provided a direction that’s more in line with Earth One stories. The teamwork has excited for future issues of Doomsday Clock with Frank’s ability to convey emotion and express it. John’s story design isn’t perfect considering what I have remembered of Shazam, but that’s what retcons are.
Superman Birthright
Available on DCU as Superman: Birthright 2003
The early days of Clark Kent on his way to becoming the Man of Tomorrow
This isn’t the collection of vignettes of American Alien, but a tale that will stir emotions in you
Superman Secret Origin
Available on DCU as Superman Secret Origin 2009
Clark Kent’s life chronicled with more history featuring classic villains and allies from Superman history
The same team who is writing Doomsday Clock brings the origin story which feels like a love letter in ways. This along with Birthright make a perfect combo.
All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison
Superman showing everyone what it means to be a hero even when his world is falling apart
The quintessential Superman story that changed my views on him entirely. Frank Quitely’s art isn’t for everyone, but it’s all about capturing the spirit.
Teen Titans
Teen Titans by Wolfman Perez
The run that inspired the hit television show can be riddled with dated dialogue and chunks of text. Despite this, I think it still holds up because you can see and even feel what the characters are going through not just as heroes but in their lives. There's a balance and a progression for several characters.
Wonder Woman
Vol. 1 by Greg Rucka
Available on DCU as Wonder Woman 1986 Starting at #195
The Gods are at play with one working to ruin the reputation of the Diana, the ambassador to Themyscira
If you love mythology, then this is right up your alley with tragedy galore. Also featured is The Hikaetia which is about Batman hunting down a woman protected by Diana. Easily, one of the best stand alones

If you have any other suggestions, feel free to include them in the comments.
submitted by Pinoywonder to DCcomics [link] [comments]

Yes, Reddit, entertainment influences beliefs and behavior. Evidence: Reddit itself.

Because it isn't an easy straight line of cause-and-effect, because playing Grand Theft Auto didn't lead directly to kids hijacking cars and running over hookers, Redditeurs tend to swear up and down that their entertainment has zero effect on their behavior.
Let's take a look at some movies and shows, and relate them to common Redditeur attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.
The Matrix: "The Red Pill:" this one's so easy it's almost like cheating. Granted, it involves a grossly distorted interpretation of the film The Matrix, but that's where a large chunk of Reddit gets its ideological imagery of taking a red pill that reveals a harsh, bleak reality that they must now accept. It makes them feel like they hold on to a special truth that the rest of the world fails to see. Unlike the intentions of the Wachowskis, which were well-meaning if esoteric, the special truth that TheRedPill holds to involves being abusive to try to get laid.
Fight Club: A highly-selective misreading of the literature, or a more-likely bad interpretation of the movie, leads to some pretty ridiculous stuff that is often tied to TheRedPill above, but also goes beyond that. Toxic, wounded masculinity, even a preoccupation with Brad Pitt, all have their origins in the viewing of this entertainment. The idea that scary radical feminists are out to castrate the Redditeur? Fight Club. "Special Snowflake" internet tough-guy condemnations? Fight Club. Tyler Durden, rather than being a destructive apparition, is seen as some sort of hero figure.
Dark Knight Trilogy: "Why So Serious?" may not be said all that much anymore, but the ideological sentiment remains, once again, from a poor interpretation of the entertainment material, from kids that went through adolescence thinking the Joker was right about everything and quoted him. Sending a message, "wanting to watch the world burn", and all sorts of attention-seeking edgy shit comes from this.
South Park: This one's a doozy, since it remains an active and constant source of moral and political guidance for front-page Redditeurs. Primarily, the belief that any current event can be boiled down into "Event happened. Both sides of it are stupid. Safe and wise position to be in is do nothing and call both sides stupid". That's inherently a status-quo-seeking conservative position, but because conservatives aren't very fashionable right now, this is where Matt Stone, Trey Parker, and their fanbase find their "socially liberal fiscally conservative" label and sense of smug superiority against people that give a damn about any emergent issue.
Speaking about giving a damn... bonus round.
Rick and Morty: Caring about anything or anyone makes you an idiot! Rick is totally cool, guys. Look how much he doesn't give a fuck. Everyone hates him because he's so smart and TELLS IT LIKE IT IS! He deconstructed love, said to focus on science. What isn't there to celebrate, reflect on, and emulate?
Yes, entertainment influences beliefs and behavior. It gives the viewer forms and expressions to base their personality around.
Enjoy, but let the viewer beware.
submitted by AngryDM to Negareddit [link] [comments]

Wolfram, the Man with a Broken Past

Callsign: Wolfram
Real Name: Liam Lowell
Height: 5'6"
Age: 30
Nationality: Scottish
Occupation: Student (Formerly), Vishkar Employee (Formerly), Overwatch Agent (Reformed) (Current)
Hometown: Edinburgh, Scotland
Architect Academy (Formerly)
Vishkar Corporation (Formerly)
Overwatch (Reformed) (Current)
Role: Support
Total Health: 200
Movement Speed: 5.8
Ammo Capacity: 5
1st Spawn Quote: Life's a joke! I'm just here for the punchline.
Difficulty: ✮
Liam Lowell lived an impoverished life until he was brought to the Architech Academy by the Vishkar Corporation. During his experience at the Academy, his life was relatively unremarkable. His grades were average, besides his music class, which he excelled in with his flute. However, there was one aspect of the Academy Liam couldn't grasp; Hard Light manipulation. He wasn't particularly comfortable with the fact that he was literally bending reality, but he nonetheless made an effort to work on his skills, though with few results. He failed most Hard light related exams, which significantly impacted his overall average. Liam had asked people for help, but Hard Light manipulation was hard enough for them as it was. People also bullied Liam, as he was clumsy to say the least, and would usually fall if he was pushed, further complicating his problem. One day head heard of two top student that were giving Hard Light related tutoring sessions. Liam decided to take them up on their offer. This was when Liam first became acquainted with Satya Vaswani and Hugo Eisert. They both told Liam that the likely cause of his problem was that the Academy had taught him that Hard Light manipulation was mechanical, while it was meant to be more freeform. They suggested he find a more specific area of study. Liam though about it and decided he was tired of being pushed and falling over. His field of study would be gravity, though he had to be able to use Hard Light for music as well. Liam set out to learn as much as he could about gravity and eventually, with the help of his tutors, he was able to apply gravity to his Hard Light. Liam was absolutely elated, both at the fact that he was finally able to master the tech and that he had found new friends. Liam, Hugo and Satya eventually graduated and went into Vishkar together. Hugo came to Liam and Satya with an interesting fact. Most, if not all, of Vishkar's employees had few memories and knew they had come from poor environments. Now that Hugo mentioned it, the gears in Liam's head began to turn; that story applied to him, and some other people he knew as well. It was Liam himself that suggested that they break into the records building to discover their origins. He seemed the most eager to know about his past. While Satya and Hugo both had their doubts about breaking and entering, they eventually agreed. Liam used his gravity to blow the door open, Hugo used his mechanical prowess to unlock the lock on the student records and Satya's turrets acted as a defense against any guards. Liam was finally face-to-face with his past. What he found was shocking; he was to be forcibly removed from his impoverished life by Vishkar. When his parents did not comply, the agents murdered them and took their child. All of a sudden, Liam remembered the event in vivid detail, which was odd, as neither of his friends seemed to remember their pasts. Liam saw horrible images; the agents knocking in their door asking for him, the bloody bodies of her parents and those two horrible words on repeat in his head. "Mom? Dad?" He was momentarily overcome, before Hugo asked him to come with him back to his hometown in Crete. Liam knew he couldn't let Hugo alone, so he agreed. As Hugo argued with Satya, Liam stood by and refused to comment. As Liam and Hugo traveled, Hugo asked if Liam regretted his decision, to which he replied he didn't. They were later found by the agents of Overwatch (note: this is the reformed Overwatch. By this time it had already broken up and come back together). Liam pleaded with Hugo to stay, but could not manage it; Hugo's as determined to be sent back to Crete. Finally, after Hugo's parents were determined to be dead, Liam had had enough and told his friend that he was staying no matter what. Hugo agreed. Like him, there are 5 stories which explain his relationships.
Passive: Clumsy Acrobatics
Wolfram is outfitted with special gravity boots. While they don't always work, when they do, they allow him to jump very high and boost his speed.
Speed is boosted by for 2 meters per second and jump is tripled every 5 seconds for 3 seconds, surrounded in a blue aura during it ....................
Main Attack: G-Force Rifle
Wolfram shoots a compressed Ball of gravitational force. Whenever he shoots a pellet, whoever he shoots is pushed back.
2 RPS (2.5 seconds per clip), 1 second reload (3.5 seconds per clip), 30 damage per shot, 3 meter push back, Medium Travel Time
Alternate Fire: Inertia Boost
Wolfram projects a small ranged blast from his gun that pushes him back a distance. It pushes him in the exact opposite direction of the way he is facing.
1 RPS, 50 damage, 1 meter range, 3 meter push back
Weeeee! (Using)
Whistles (Using)
Take a look! (Using) ....................
Wolfram creates an area of gravity that decreases the time needed for the next reload for allies in his immediate area.
14 second cooldown, -.35 second reload time for next reload, range is a 1 meter radius, doesn't effect Wolfram
Come to me! (Using)
Just keep shooting, shooting, shooting, shooting, shooting. (Using) (Reference to Finding Nemo)
Keep it UP! (Using) ....................
Double Bond
Wolfram projects a beam of Hard Light to one of his allies, linking the two, as long as they're in the same area. The beam splits damage evenly between the two and breaks after either takes 100 damage (note 1: damage that has been healed still counts toward the total) (note 2: the 100 damage count is not collective between the characters; one of the two people,needs to take 100 damage, not 50/50 or 60/40).
10 second cooldown, 10 meter range
Not on my watch, haha! (Using)
It's a miracle! (Using)
Here we go. (Using)
Woah! What was that? (Bond breaks)
Bond is down! (Bond breaks) ....................
Ultimate: Matter of Force
Wolfram creates a dark void that pushes people away and completely denies entry into a certain area.
Locks off 8 meter radius, pushes farther when nearer to the center, Lasts 7 seconds
You shall not pass! (Self and Hostile) (Reference to Lord of the Rings)
It's a matter of force, you see. (Friendly) ....................
Pros: High potential mobility and excepted potential, Excels at pushing people out of position, Unique supportive abilities
Strong Against-
Genji: Wolfram's speed easily allows him to evade Genji's shurikens. He can also escape Genji if he gets too close and knock him back during his ultimate.
Pharah: Because Wolfram can also jump up into the sky, he can contest Pharah's airspace. He also moves quickly and can avoid both her rockets and escape her ultimate.
Hanzo: Hanzo is simply not fast enough to contest Wolfram and Wolfram's speed make him a difficult target to hit with Hanzo's arrows.
Mei: Mei has basically no tools which are particularly effective against Wolfram. Her main attack can be avoided with Inertia Boost, her alt is difficult to hit, Wolfram can scale the Ice Wall and completely avoid Blizzard.
Torbjorn: Wolfram is not usually the first to enter an area, making him an unlikely target for Torbjorn's turret. Even if he is targeted, he can very easily escape.
Widowmaker: Wolfram is extremely hard for Widowmaker to pin down and reliably shoot. By the time she has grappled to get a better angle, it is possible that Wolfram has already left the area. Wolfram also excels at contesting space and pushing Widowmaker out of position.
Reinhardt: Wolfram is mostly safe from Reinhardt's hammer and even if he is in range, escaping is easily done. He can also push Reinhardt out from a position wher he is shield into his allies.
Roadhog: Wolfram should almost always be outside of hook range and if he sees a hook coming, he can quickly dodge it.
Cons: All abilities (including ultimate) only cover a telegraphed amount of space, Long ability recharge times, Unreliable passive ability
Weak Against-
Tracer: Tracer is just as fast as Wolfram and vastly out-damages him. She can also recall to recover from being pushed off the map.
Soldier: 76: Soldier can get in on Wolfram using his Sprint ability and can easily dispatch him if he is careful around ledges.
Sombra: Sombra can easily get in on Wolfram and if she is able to Hack him, it is a virtually a guaranteed kill, as Wolfram lives and dies by his abilities. Sombra can also teleport to escape being pushed off the map.
D.va: D.va has no issues approaching Wolfram and easily blocks his shots. Her damage is bounds above his and peeing pushed off isn't exactly a problem for her either.
Winston: Winston constantly harasses Wolfram and doesn't care about being pushed off.
Zarya: Zarya's beam can hit Wolfram despite his speed.
Symmetra: Symmetra's turrets and main fire both work pin Wolfram down, which he despises. Her teleporter is also a very good counter to Wolfram's main attack.
Zenyatta: Zenyatta's Discord Orb forces Wolfram to retreat, which is very bad for him.
Wolfram is the second character to use gravity in the game (the first being Zarya), but he plays no where nears Zarya, or any current character for that matter. He is focused on supporting his allies through helpful buffs, rather than healing them and making sure he is not pinned down. Case in point, his passive, Clumsy Acrobatics. Basically it gives him a boost to his movement and jump height every five seconds for three seconds. This ability has multiple uses, such as initiating a fight, getting out of a sticky situation, or taking a shortcut. However, do not rely upon this ability, as it is not always active, but as you play Wolfram you will get a sense of when it will activate. Wolfram's main weapons, the G-Force Rifle, is unique in that its main purpose is not to damage the enemy, but push people out of position and off of the map. This is one of his main benefits, but it does limit him in the damage category. Somewhat supplementing this is Wolfram's alternate attack, Inertia Boost. While it does have a higher damage output per shot, overall using it for this reason is simply ineffective, as it is very short ranged and Wolfram does not have the necessary health to sustain that range. Rather, it as tool to escape close range engagements quickly and can even be used to boost Wolfram into the sky. His first ability is called Airlock, which reduces the reload time for any allies in Wolfram's immediate range, a completely unique ability. This is an ability that can have significant impact, allowing you allies less downtime in their next battle, but must be used very carefully, as it has an extreme cooldown time. Please note it does not Wolfram himself. His second ability, Double Bond, evenly distributes da,age between Wolfram and one of his allies. This is a great ability all around as it can potentially save allies or Wolfram himself. However, the ability also requires team coordination to use properly, or else it will be wasted. Wolfram's ultimate ability is a bit of an odd ability, but is nonetheless useful. It locks off an eight meter radius (16 meter diameter) and pushes back anyone caught in the middle. This is helpful to prevent flanking, defend an objective or payload, and/or throw people off the map.
While Wolfram is certainly an odd support character considering the ones currently in the game, unlike Symmetra, he is correctly placed. His main goal should be to run around the battlefield supporting his allies, staying out of danger, and generally being an annoyance to his enemies. While he may not have a great damage output, he can instantly kill enemies by forcing them off the map with his main weapon. He has unique abilities that allow his allies to constantly stay in the fight and himself to not be in much danger. Overall, he is not for the play of the game hogs, but for those who wish to be able to provide helpful and selfless buffs to their team, as well as have a literal and figurative Blast with his blistering speed.
Victory Poses
Default: Wolfram looks directly at the camera from a slight angle.
Classic: Wolfram's rifle faces the ground and he leans on it with his left arm.
Tribute: Wolfram sits on his legs with his rifle laid out horizontally in front of him.
Victory Song: Wolfram is seen in the middle of playing his flute.
Bonus- Activates if Solon, Reinhardt and Wolfram are all on the same team and they win.
Trinity: Reinhardt stands holding Solon on his right shoulder and Wolfram on his left. Both are smiling and of Reinhardt is wearing a skin with no mask, he can be seen doing the same.
Default: Wolfram claps several time.
I'm a Player: Wolfram projects his flute and plays a short tune.
I'm Warning You: Wolfram projects three Warning shots into the air.
Yes!: Wolfram laughs and the points as he nods his head.
Great job: Wolfram does the ASL sign for respect.
It worked this time: Wolfram spins his gun then looks relieved that he didn't drop it.
Highlight Intro
Default: Wolfram projects his gun and happily waves with his other hand.
Perfect Pitch: Wolfram creates three notes of Hard Light and throws them into the air. He then shoots each, as they each let loose a different note.
Happens all the time: Wolfram runs sporadically around using his gravity boots before falling on his face. He then hold his thumb to indicate that he's not too hurt.
Up we go!: Wolfram jumps high using his gravity boots and further raises himself using his Inertia Boost, with the camera catching in midair, very much enjoying it.
Wolfram is reasonably short, an inch taller than his friend Solon. Being of European decent, he is very pale skinned. He has been called both younger and older than he is. As a self-described nerd, Wolfram's clothing reflects this. He wears a black graphic teeshirt with the picture of a falling apple that says "What's better than a ton? A Newton!" He opts for light blue pants, with his Gravity Boots, which are a relatively dull silver and light blue accents. His Hard Light projectors are gloves which match and have red accents as well. His hair is a relatively short dark blonde and his eyes are small and dark green.
Rare Skins
Pink Lady: Shirt is pink.
Granny Smith: Shirt is green.
Golden Delicious: Shirt is yellow.
Honeycrisp: Shirt is a deep red.
Epic Skins
Patriotic: Wolfram wears a blue shirt with a white X on it, mirroring the Scottish flag. His pants are now white and his gloves and boots are blue.
Rampant: Wolfram has a orangish-yellow shirt with a red graphic of the Rampant Lion. His pants are tan and his gloves and boots are copper.
Legendary Skins
Corryvreckan: Wolfram taps even further into his Scottish heritage. He is dressed as a semi-traditional highlander would be. He has a blue and black tartan kilt and a similarly colored full plaid, which is a long piece of traditional dress that is pleated. He also has a sporran, which is a leather or fur pocket that is positioned in front of the groin. His gravity boots are no longer boots at all, but now traditional reddish brogues with lacing that works to hold his socks. His gloves are a matching color to his gloves.
Finn: Similar to the above. The kilt is gold with a darker embroidered pattern on the lining. The full plaid is green and gold, the shoes are black. Instead of the sporran, Wolfram has a shining helmet of pure silver and gloves that match.
Unique Quotes-
A highlander never quits. (Respawn)
CHARGE! (Using Airlock)
Another for my flag. (Getting a kill)
For my homeland! (Using Matter of Force(Self and Hostile))
Play the anthem of my people! (Using Matter of Force(Friendly))
Maestro: Liam reflects his musical aspirations. He wears a long gentleman's coat made out of brocade with a complex pattern of red roses, with black trim, and gold button, all but one of which are buttoned. Underneath he has a cream ruffled shirt, though only the ruffles can be seen. His pants are brown dress slacks and the boots and gloves are both grey and more formal than his other skins.
Virtuoso: Similar to the above. The coat is black with a print of white musical notes and trim, while the buttons are silver. The shirt is white. The slacks are grey and the boots and gloves are brass colored.
Unique Quotes-
Looks like that note went a little flat. (Respawn)
Let's play a tune. (Using Double Bond)
Guess the duet is done. (Bond breaks)
Now! Your swan song. (Using Matter of Force(Self and Hostile))
Time for my solo! (Using Matter of Force(Friendly))
Unlike his friend, Liam is mostly what he seems at a single glance. Even to those who are unfamiliar with him, Liam is a very happy person and doesn't let himself become burdened easily. He isn't religious, but he believes deeply in the karmic balance of the world and Ying and Yang, which both comfort him and contribute to his belief that good will triumph in the end. Liam's attitude allows him to be a very good giver of advice, a fact which contributed to his friendship with Hugo. Good friends will find that Liam is zany, to say the least, and love making people smile. However, there is also a hidden side to Liam. Owed to his very hard life and the loss of his parents, Liam is depressive and can be haunted by some of his memories. Both Liam and Hugo are depressive and effected by anything that happens. Liam just chooses not to show it. That is not Liam's main personality; he is very optimistic, a bit crazy and constantly makes puns and references. He also loves to act like a dog, saying things loudly and more than once as they fit his wacky and energetic personality. He is very passionate about his heritage but doesn't normally use any of the slang, except in his Scottish skins. To compensate for the fact that he only speaks English, he knows sign language, and his animations for certain lines, such as hello and thank you, are him signing the word.
These are his closest relationships-
Mei: Mei is very much the welcoming committee of Overwatch. So, when she heard that there was a new agent in their midst, she just had to meet him. When she came to his room, Liam welcomed Mei and Mei began her speech about Overwatch and tstate of the world. Mei was surprised when Liam actually let her finish it. Mei then busted out one of her trademark puns as she began to leave. Before she could, Liam responded with another pun, which then turned into a pun battle. They laughed and laughed, as it was kind of unspoken that they had just pretty much become best friends. One day Mei was trying to memorize the periodic elements (because why not) and asked Liam to quiz her. When they got to Tungsten, Liam asked why its symbol was W, to which Mei replied that it stood for Wolfram. Liam liked the sound of that and the name stuck. Mei is also teaching Liam Chinese
Mercy: One day Mei and Liam were working on his Gravity Boots when Liam told a joke. Mei laughed hysterically and accidentally sent a gravitational shockwave through the area. Mei wasn't harmed, but Liam was. Mei ran out of the room screaming for doctor Ziegler. Mercy took him to the medical ward and told Mei that he would be okay if he got some rest. Liam woke up disoriented in the medical ward and Mercy explained the situation. Liam explained that he was having trouble with his gravity boots. Mercy actually knew a good deal about gravity, as she had to learn to control it with her suit. After Liam recovered, Mercy helped Liam and Mei figure it out. To this day, the per three of the still continue to iron out the flaws in the boots.
Ana: Unlike Hugo, Liam was actually excited to go out into the field. Ever since he heard about the legendary Overwatch team, he had dreamed about joining them. He practiced day and night with his rifle, but was constantly falling, due to both his clumsiness and the kickback on his rifle. One day, after crashing himself into a wall on the practice range, Liam sat and looked at the floor, thoroughly dismayed. Suddenly he felt something in his shoulder; a healing dart from Ana. The two greeted each other, as they had talked a small amount, and Ana said she had seen him fall…more than once. She offered to teach Liam how to shoot. Liam was apprehensive; he knew Ana was a good shot, but he also knew she had more important things to do. To show him her dedication, Ana took Liam's rifle and expertly shot several training bots. Liam then agreed. Not only did Liam become a much improved shot, the two also often laughed with each other and Ana provided the wisdom befitting the old and wise warrior she was.
Lucio: When Liam has spare time, he often plays his flute. He was doing this one day when Lucio, who's room was near Liam's, knocked on his door and asked if he was the source of the noise. Liam assumed he would complain, but on the contrary, Lucio actually wanted to watch him preform. Afterwards, Lucio asked of he wanted to preform music together the next day, which Liam of course accepted. However, the next day Lucio saw Liam projecting his flute through hard light. Lucio was able to recognize it because of his experiences with Vishkar. Liam explained that he and Hugo had came from Vishkar and the details of how they came into Overwatch. Lucio was conflicted; Liam seemed like a nice guy but he was from Vishkar, the very company which wanted to take Lucio's freedom. Lucio said he needed to think. When they next met, Lucio said he was still confused. Liam stated the he understood, but he said that there was a reason he left, other than Hugo; he didn't agree with Vishkar's methods or ideals. He had always felt that the actions of the company were morally wrong and felt similarly conflicted, as he wanted to stand up for what was right, but going against the company would cause many to see him as the morally corrupt one. It was then that Lucio realized that he had been unfairly judged Liam based in his background, which was something he told people never to do. Just because he was from Vishkar, that didn't mean that he was a bad person or even that he supported them; the company itself may be bad, but the individual employees may not. From there the two formed a powerful, if unlikely, friendship.
Tracer: Due to the variety of agents and abilities at Overwatch, agents are put into groups based upon their speed and mobility, after accounting for their abilities, and they rotate training partners daily. Liam was placed among the individuals with the highest ground speed, because of his gravity boots, along with Tracer, Genji and Lucio. Liam's first training partner was Lean Oxton, whom he had heard of and admired for her heroism. He expressed this before their training and Tracer was flattered and that somehow made her even more cheery than usual. Their match that followed was a harrowing endeavor. Because both were skilled at dodging attacks and neither was exactly an excellent shot (she was originally a pilot), the match mostly consisted of the two dodging each other's attacks and unsuccessfully trying to counterattack. After a long while of this, the two finally decided to call it a draw with a hearty laugh. The two became fast friends due to their similar dispositions and to this day they still often train and go on missions together.
Voice Lines
In just a few seconds, I'll be dashing through the battlefield. (During Setup)
It's almost time. Make sure your weapons are ready. (During Setup)
I'd like to take all of Hugo's missions here in his place. I don't think he wants to come here. (During setup on Ilios)
I wonder if there's any more gravity technology here. (During setup on Volskaya Industries)
Born free, shot to death. (Respawn)
Either I just died, or my watch has stopped. (Respawn) (Reference to Groucho Marx)
THIS-MEANS-WAR! (Respawn) (Reference to Loony Toons )
Good grief! (Respawn) (Reference to Peanuts)
Aw, man. I got shot in the face! (Respawn) (Reference to Pulp Fiction)
Stop! Stop! I'm already dead! (Respawn) (Reference to The Simpsons)
I told you, "I'll be back." (Said in a deep voice) (Respawn) (Reference to Terminator)
Well, ow. (Respawn)
I feel fantastic. (Pick Up Health Pack)
I've got all this energy. (Pick Up Health Pack)
Woo-hoo, just what I needed. (Pick Up Health Pack) (Reference to Super Mario Bros)
Who's on fire? This guy! (On Fire)
Does anyone smell something burning? (On Fire)
Time for some teamwork. (Damage Boosted)
Boom! Let's do it. (Damage Boosted)
Dang it, dang it, dang it! (Discord Orb Received)
Awesomeness! (Voted Epic(5 Votes))
Drinks are on me tonight! (Voted Epic(5 Votes))
Eat your heart out Isaac! (Voted Legendary(10 Votes))
Ohhh, YEAH! (Voted Legendary(10 Votes))
Huh…? (Stunned)
They're back. This must her work. (Enemy Resurrected)
You've helped me once again. (Resurrected)
Wolfram, ready for action! (Hero Switch)
Sniiiiiper. (Sniper Sighted)
Enemies. Get 'em, get 'em. (Enemy Seen)
Turret! Turret! I see a turret! (Turret Seen)
Say bye to that turret. (Turret Destroyed)
Me thinks I smell a teleporter. (Enemy has a teleporter)
Now, where is that teleporter? (Enemy has a teleporter)
Oh, look, I found the teleporter. (Teleporter Sighted)
No more teleporter. (Teleporter Destroyed)
Ladies and gentlemen, here I come! (Nanoboosted)
Bum bum bum! (Nanoboosted)
Are you excited? Get excited! (Nanoboosted)
We've almost won! (Time Running Out (Defense))
Times wasting! Let's move move move! (Time Running Out (Attack))
Start running. Let's win this! (Time Running Out (Attack))
We can turn it around. I'll work twice as hard. (Time Running Out (Attack))
The point's being captured. Everyone rush over. (Point being Captured (Defense))
Throw them away from our point. (Point being Captured (Defense))
Hey! Get off that objective! (Point being Captured (Defense))
The best offense is a good defense. So…offend the point. (Point being Captured (Defense))
I'm on the point. Let's do it! (Capturing Objective)
It's time! (Capturing Objective)
Let's hold down the objective. (Capturing Objective)
This is it. Move that payload. (Payload Stuck)
We have to move with the payload. (Payload Stuck)
I'm pushing the payload. (Escorting Payload (Attack))
Let's go guys. Come on! (Escorting Payload (Attack)
Gravity always wins. (Final Blow)
Another one bites the dust. (Final Blow) (Reference to Queen)
Down you go. (Final Blow)
Thank you for punderstanding. (Final Blow)
Make like lettuce and leaf. (Final Blow)
Did I blow you away? (Final Blow)
Sorry. It needed to happen. (Final Blow)
You're gone. (Final Blow)
Yay! (Final Blow)
Keep it up now. (Ally eliminated enemy)
Right back atcha'. (Revenge)
Was that cold? (Revenge)
Jello. (Hello)
Yo. (Hello)
Hi! (Hello)
Thanks! (Thank)
Aww, thanks. (Thank)
Zank you. (Thank)
Yip. (Acknowledged)
Gotcha. (Acknowledged)
Of course. (Acknowledged)
Could I get some healing? (Need Healing)
I need healing here. (Need Healing)
Over here. (Group Up)
Come with me. (Group Up)
Group up with me. (Group Up)
Come on, come on! (Group Up)
My ultimate is charging. (Ultimate Status)
My ultimate is almost ready. (Ultimate Status)
My ultimate's ready to go. (Ultimate Status)
It's ultimate time! (Ultimate Status)
Here's Liam! (Voice Line(Default)) (Reference to The Shining)
I got a book on anti-gravity. I can't put it down. (Voice Line)
Obey gravity; its the law. (Voice Line)
I don't trip. I just check the gravity. (Voice Line)
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. (Voice Line) (Reference to Gone With the Wind)
They see me rollin'… (Voice Line)
Don't make me force you. (Voice Line)
I'm just a snarf! (Voice Line)
Enter the chuckle factory! (Voice Line)
Puns are always the best. Always. (Voice Line)
I'm not mad. Just disappointed. (Voice Line)
1)Wolfram- Half man, half machine, the crusader for all of Omnic kind, Genji Shimadaaaaa!
Genji- I prefer to enter unannounced. Thank you, though.
2)Genji- In our last training match, were you toying with me?
Wolfram- I get that a lot. It's just how I fight.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Genji)
Genji- As long as the sparrow is wary, he can defeat the wolf.
4)Genji- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- Can I eliminate Genji? Shuriken.
1)Wolfram- Is your watch broken?
McCree- No. What makes ya ask?
2)McCree- Y'ur friend never smiles. Could ya tell me why?
Wolfram- That'll…take some time to explain.
3)- (Is killed by McCree)
McCree- I should be used to dealing with wolves.
4)McCree- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- BANG!
1)Wolfram- Fly Pharah, fly hiiiiiigh!
Pharah- Umm…you too…
2)Pharah- How do you not break your legs when you jump so high?
Wolfram- Hmm…I don't really know.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Pharah)
Pharah- One step towards aerial superiority.
4)Pharah- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- You really rocket.
1)Wolfram- You getting ready for a wedding or something?
Reaper- …No.
2)Reaper- Stop with the word play.
Wolfram- Aw, but I'm so punny.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Reaper)
Reaper- That's enough out of you.
4)Reaper- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- Rip!
Soldier 76;
1)Wolfram- Wow, you need to lead to take a joke.
Soldier: 76- And you should learn to take this seriously.
2)Soldier: 76- Support me, got it? No funny business.
Wolfram- Sir, yes Sir!
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Soldier: 76)
Solider: 76- I'm not sure I trust you.
4)Soldier: 76- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- I salute you.
1)Wolfram- Just to let you know, I could turn you in at any moment.
Sombra- I could say the same to you.
2)Sombra- You and your friend were very mischievous back in the day.
Wolfram- You don't know the whole story.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Sombra)
Sombra- I've got leverage now.
4)Sombra- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- Now logging off.
1)Wolfram- Try to keep up Tracer!
Tracer- Haha, I was about to say the same thing.
2)Tracer- Get ready for…
Wolfram- …some speedy kills!
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Tracer)
Tracer- Finally, we ended a match.
4)Tracer- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- I won…? I WON!
1)Wolfram- Hey, Bastion! Can you sing?
Bastion- Makes humming sounds
2)Bastion- Makes flute-like sounds
Wolfram- Wow, you really can repeat what I play.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Bastion)
Bastion- Makes flute-like sounds as if it was a question
4)Bastion- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- There were many like him but this one is ours.
1)Wolfram- Sniping is fun, eh Hanzo?
Hanzo- Fun…? I've never thought of it as such . 2)Hanzo- Please try to reign in your friend.
Wolfram- No one can do that. No one.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Hanzo)
Hanzo- It matters not how you move if you cannot hit your target.
4)Hanzo- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- Aw, stop dragon your feet.
1)Wolfram- You're a twisted clown, aren't you?
Junkrat- As long as you get laughs, it's all the same, right?
2)Junkrat- Your comedy needs some work, mate.
Wolfram- MY comedy!?
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Junkrat)
Junkrat- Competition? What competition?
4)Junkrat- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- Last comic standing!
1)Wolfram- Mei I ask you a question?
Mei- Oh, just Liam alone.
2)Mei- Liam, have you been practicing your Chinese?
Wolfram- 哦, 是的! (Oh, yes!)
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Mei)
Mei- You're truly a force to be reckoned with.
4)Mei- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- I'll have to put you on ice.
1)Wolfram- Hey Hugo! What was the physics professor's first name?
Solon- Umm…oh, I know, Atom!
2)Solon- Thank you for the friction device. It fits my purposes well.
Wolfram- No problem. I was just returning the favor for that linking gadget you made me.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Solon)
Solon- Your speed doesn't fool me.
4)Solon- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- I've seen all your tricks…or at least most of them.
Bonus Conversation (Ilios Only)-
Wolfram- Hugo…are you sure you're okay with being here?
Solon- To be honest, I'm not. However, people need me right now. I still need to fight.
Wolfram- Alright. Tell me if you get overwhelmed.
1)Wolfram- Did you actually get your beard caught in a letterbox?
Torbjorn- I…don't think you got what I meant.
2)Torbjorn- You're fast, but you can't out run my turret.
Wolfram- Well, then I'll just destroy it.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Torbjorn)
Torbjorn- I will keep my baby's safe from you.
4)Torbjorn- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- You were really grinding your gears.
1)Wolfram- So, can you find anything funny?
Widowmaker- I don't see the use.
2)Widowmaker- I'd be careful if I was you, boy.
Wolfram- Are you threatening me?
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Widowmaker- Finally, that noise is gone.
4)- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- No bites!
1)Wolfram- If anyone can beat Hugo at video games, it's you.
D.va- Just leave it to me!
2)D.va- Let's see who can fly higher.
Wolfram- Alright, but my boots are finicky.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by D.va)
D.va- That should slow you down.
4)D.va- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- Game over.
1)Wolfram- Hey dad! Für gerechtigkeit! (For justice!)
Reinhardt- Hahaha, und für die zukunft! (…and for the future!)
2)Reinhardt- I shall shield you. Can I count of you to support me?
Wolfram- Anytime.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Reinhardt)
Reinhardt- This one…was hard.
4)Reinhardt- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- Shot through the Hardt. (Reference to Bon Jovi)
1)Wolfram- That guy with you seems like a clown.
Roadhog- You won't see me laughing.
2)Roadhog- Do you always need to make puns?
Wolfram- Hmm…yes.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Roadhog)
Roadhog- I don't need another joker.
4)Roadhog- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- The pig couldn't escape the wolf.
1)Wolfram- You've really got a great sense of humor, Winston.
Winston- Umm, thanks. You'd…make a great stand up comedian.
2)Winston- I'm glad your here. I need some comic relief.
Wolfram- That's what I'm here for!
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Winston)
Winston- You're not the only one who can jump up high.
4)Winston- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- You're always monkeying around…wait, is that right?
1)Wolfram- You use gravity too? Cool!
Zarya- I use it to attract, not repel.
2)Zarya- I believe you are misusing your powers.
Wolfram- Believe you me, I know a lot about gravity.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Zarya)
Zarya- This could be what I've been looking for.
4)Zarya- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- There can only be one!
1)Wolfram- Dual rifle support team, GO!
Ana- Hehe, we'll show them we deserve respect.
2)Ana- It seems you took to my teachings.
Wolfram- Well, I was learning from the best.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Ana)
Ana- A good shot can can hit their target regardless of speed.
4)Ana- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- Thanks for everything!
Bonus Conversation-
Ana- Liam, when are we going to go out and find you a girlfriend?
Wolfram- Umm, Ana? I already have a girlfriend.
Ana- Oh, is that so? You'll have to introduce me. Though I have the feeling it's someone I'm already familiar with.
1)Wolfram- Sound off!
Lucio- One and Two!
2)Lucio- Lets see how fast we can go.
Wolfram- We won't even give 'em a chance to blink.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Lucio)
Lucio- You can't out-speed me!
4)Lucio- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- Now that what I call breaking it down.
1)Wolfram- Lets fly, little angel.
Mercy- Of course. Leave it to me.
2)Mercy- How far along are you in perfecting your technology.
Wolfram- It's still of the fritz. But we'll get there someday.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Mercy)
Mercy- A wolf in the sky…that's something new.
4)Mercy- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- No Mercy!
1)Wolfram- Satya, what are you doing in a place like this!?
Symmetra- I'm afraid I cannot tell you Liam.
2)Symmetra- If you are still conflicted, we would accept you back.
Wolfram- Sorry, Satya, but I can't do that.
3)Wolfram- (Is killed by Symmetra)
Symmetra- You need not concern yourself with me.
4)Symmetra- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- What happens next…?
1)Wolfram- Say, were you ever part of the circus?
Zenyatta- Not per se, but you might say I was part of a troupe.
2)Zenyatta- Young minds need guidance. Please seek me out if you find yourself in need.
Wolfram- Will do. Thank you for the offer.
3)- (Is killed by Zenyatta)
Zenyatta- You are truly a soul like no other I've met.
4)Zenyatta- (Is killed by Wolfram)
Wolfram- As a musician, I can't have discord.
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